Sunday, October 21, 2012

Entertaining Leadership vs. The Experts

On a quest to develop my very own business plan I have learned many things along the way.  A business plan is a necessary tool for those who intend to start their own business.  By creating a business plan a future business owner is forced to address issues dealing with all aspects of their business.  What business processes do you intend to use?  How do you intend to market your product or service?  How many employees will you need?  How many units of your product or service will you need to sell in order to keep the business afloat?

In an earlier post I had researched experts Steve Blank and Carlos Slim, who believe that is was more important to have a business model than an actually business plan.  I agree and disagree with both of these experts.  I agree that incorporating a business model into your business plan is the correct course of action.  Developing the business model with strengthen your business plan.  “Failing to involve customers and their feedback from literally the first day of a startup’s life, keeping the most vital opinions silent"(Blank, 2012) In order to make a business successful an entrepreneur needs to understand the wants and needs of its consumers.

I have incorporated this into my business plan for Entertaining Leadership.  After a client has completed one of our courses we ask that they provide us with feedback on how to improve our company.  This feedback will be analyzed and addressed at our company meetings.  The feedback could lead to new and more efficient processes within our company.  Expert Carlos Slim suggested that companies “create a simple organizational structure with minimal hierarchies; provide personal development and in-house training for executives” (Calvo, 2012).  At Entertaining Leadership we have designed a simplistic structure.  We also promote staff development.  We believe that it is our responsibility to assist our staff members in growing into better leaders themselves. 

I believe that the Operations section of our business plan will be the most important to our investors.  This section will explain how we intend to implement our business.  It will show how our classes are conducted and how our back office operations are structured.  Without the Operations section investors would not understand how our service is brought to fruition from our knowledge development team to our clients. 

Blank, S. (2012). Steve blank. Retrieved from

Calvo, J. (2012, August 9). Expert views on business plans. Retrieved from

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