Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Interview With Kevin Bergquist

 Recently, I had the privilege to interview Kevin Bergquist Owner/Operator of DOJO Martial Arts. I first met Kevin back in 9th grade Spanish class where we became great friends.  Looking back I remember Kevin always being involved in Martial Arts, but it wasn’t until recently, almost 19 years later, that I realized this was his true passion in life.

What is your current position?
Kaicho Director - Yamagawa Martial Arts Association, Owner/Operator - DOJO Martial Arts

Do you consider this job something you are passionate about?
Absolutely!  Has been my dream since childhood.

What is the most difficult thing about your job?
Menial tasks such as billing, cleaning, and marketing.  I hate chasing people for money and feeling like a bill collector.

What is the most rewarding thing about your job?
Changing lives and having people learn to believe in themselves.  I took a handicapped kid who couldn't run and made him a State Champion, an abused young girl and restored her confidence, and the look on a child’s face when they finally get it right.

What are some of your accomplishments?
World Martial Arts Magazine - Karate Master of the Year
Martial Arts World Hall of Fame
International Hall of Champions
World Head of Family Sokeship Council Hall of Fame
Diamond Lifetime Achievement Award - Southeastern Martial Arts Hall of Fame
Martial Arts World Expo Heavy Hitter Award
School of the Year - Florida League of Martial Artists
3X Florida State Champion
Students have won over 50 State, National, and World Championships

What advice would you recommend to someone interested in pursuing this field?
Train Hard and Train Every Day.  There are no shortcuts.  Hard work always beats talent when talent refuses to do hard work. 

What type of training prepares you for a career like this?
A lifetime spent studying the martial arts with the best teachers you can find.

What makes a good leader within your industry?
Honesty and Dedication.  But most importantly, being able to praise and encourage your subordinates

Do you find that you need to separate your emotions from your job?
Negative emotions should be controlled and released on the bags during private training.  Conversely, Happiness and excitement should be shared, as it will spread like wildfire.

Do you have to negotiate deals within your industry? If so, what advice can you offer to close a successful deal?
When buying, pretend your not that interested, when selling, give the client an idea and let them think it’s theirs, take the word "I" out of your vocabulary and ask questions which allow them to say it often.

Do you have any additional comments you would like to offer?
Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life.

After interviewing Kevin, I have a new found respect for what he does.  He is a true leader, mentor and role model throughout the Martial Arts community.  His passion for Martial Arts is what drives his students to be the absolute best they can possibly be.  There is a mutual respect between teacher and student.  A respect that continually reciprocates, resonates and fosters integrity amongst the Masters and Students at the Dojo.